Ipratropium Bromide (Atrovent®)



Precautions: Notify BioTel (prior to administration) if the patient has: Narrow-angle glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate), bladder-neck obstruction

Side Effects:

Adult Dose:

Pediatric Dose:

Standing order:
Bronchospasm refractory to a single nebulized albuterol in a pediatric patient at least 2 years of age or any age pediatric patient with a history of asthma:

Status asthmaticus: may be combined with albuterol for all 3 initial nebulizer treatments.

Route: Inhalation

Drug Action:

Class: Topical Anticholinergic/Parasympatholytic

Onset: 5-15 minutes

Duration: 4 - 6 hours