Inclusion Criteria:  Patients with nausea or prolonged vomiting, or those actively vomiting after EMS arrival, with no other symptoms or complaints.

Basic Level

  1. Assess and support ABCs.
  2. Place the patient in a position of comfort or in the left lateral position.  If there is evidence of shock, place the patient supine with the feet elevated, if tolerated, and monitor the airway closely.  Treat shock according to the SHOCKGuidelines.
  3. Administer oxygen, as needed, to maintain a SpO2 of at least 94%.
  4. Perform a POC glucose analysis and treat hypoglycemia according to the ALTERED LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS Guidelines.

Advanced Level

  1. Apply ECG and ETCO2 monitors if respiratory distress or shock is present or develops.

  2. Consider establishing IV access at a TKO rate or use a saline lock. If fluid resuscitation is needed:



  1. For nausea and/or vomiting



NOTE: Individual agencies may carry only one of these medications. They are not required to carry both.

  1. Monitor vital signs during transport.

  2. For additional patient care considerations not covered under standing orders, consult BioTel.